Take control of your anxiety in just 12 weeks

Join us for the only virtual workshop organized by leading psychologists in the treatment of anxiety

Limited seats available
Thursday, Sep. 26th
Sign-up closes 48 hours prior to start
Open for enrollment
Only a few spots left!
*The GAD Workshop will open again in 2024
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You want to stop feeling anxious, nervous, and
worried all the time

When you’re struggling with anxiety, you spend a lot of time:
  • Thinking of all the things that could go wrong in the future
  • Playing out negative or devastating scenarios in your head
  • Trying to come up with solutions for every problem you think of
  • Overthinking things that happened in the past, like if you accidentally offended someone or said the wrong thing
  • Trying to keep your mind from racing by distracting yourself
  • Feeling a sense of impending doom
Which means most of your day is spent thinking about future what-if scenarios, preparing for the worst to happen, and not being truly present to enjoy your life.

Sometimes anxiety creeps up on you at night when you’re trying to sleep. Sometimes it keeps you from performing at work. And sometimes your kids have to ask you the same question 5 or 6 times before you really hear them.

But, the worst part?
It feels like you’ll be stuck dealing with anxiety forever

Because you’ve been struggling with a mind that lurches into overdrive and catastrophizes even simple scenarios for as long as you can remember
You’ve already tried “just being more positive”
Your friends and family tell you to just cheer up, but generalized anxiety doesn’t work that way
You’ve tried yoga & exercising
Being active can improve your mood, but they don’t stop your brain from coming up with new things to worry about
You’ve tried traditional therapy
Understanding why you have anxiety doesn’t give you the practical tools to fix the problem

Up until recently, there weren’t many good treatment options for people dealing with Anxiety

The most common forms of therapy for anxiety have been focused on helping you think different thoughts or go digging into your past to heal emotional wounds.

And traditional cognitive-based therapy has just a 50% success rate in treating people who feel overanxious or find themselves persistently overthinking. (So if you’ve tried therapy to deal with anxiety in the past and it didn’t work, you’re not alone.)

But in recent years, a new type of therapy has led to major breakthrough results in treating symptoms of anxiety.
Metacognitive therapy focuses on stopping the processes that create and maintain anxiety—a far more effective approach than trying to change the thoughts themselves.

In other words, instead of being concerned with what you think, MCT rewires how you think so you have the freedom to choose which thoughts to pay attention to and which ones to ignore.

In some studies, MCT has shown a 90% success rate, and it’s quickly spreading—first in Europe, and now in the US—as the leading treatment for anxiety disorders.


Imagine if you could finally crack the code and take control of your anxiety

You’d be able to:
Actually relax after a long day instead of spending all your free time worrying
Be fully present throughout the day from morning until night
Enjoy time with your family without worrying if you’re a being a good parent or partner
Fall asleep at night without being bombarded with thoughts about everything that could go wrong
Wake up feeling calm, focused, and relaxed even if you have a big presentation or event coming up
Stop referring to yourself as a “worrier” and be okay with uncertainty
Make decisions instead of being paralyzed by choices
Go after that next big promotion without being afraid of the application process
Stay focused over time so you could read a book or work on a work project without feeling overwhelmed
Put stressful events or negative thoughts behind you instead of thinking about them over and over again for weeks or months

Sounds too good to be true?
It's not.

If you want the tools, strategies, and exercises to help you take control of worry and anxiety, we invite you to an exclusive experience


The GAD Workshop

The only 12-week virtual workshop led by the leading experts on anxiety to help you finally take control of your worrying and recover from anxiety

Anonymous Online Workshop
Join from the comfort of your own home and get the knowledge, tools, and support you need to recover from anxiety
The Most Effective anxiety Treatment Available
A recent Danish study showed 80% percent of participants recovered from a diagnosable anxiety disorder with just 6 two-hour MCT group therapy sessions
Access to the Leading Psychologists
You’re supported by MCT certified psychologists and leading experts who have dedicated their careers to helping people who suffer from anxiety
The GAD Workshop runs live only for a limited number of times
Join the waitlist and be the first to know when we’re open for enrollment again!

Join live or watch the recordings

On a busy schedule? We've got you covered!
The GAD Workshop accommodates those that cannot attend the live components. All gatherings are recorded so that you can catch up when it best suits your agenda.

Workshop schedule

Displayed times are adjusted for your location: Oslo GMT +1
How to Stop the Cycle of Anxiety
Take Back Control Over Your Thoughts
Use Your Attention Intentionally
Implementation week with live Q&A
How to Stop Worrying About Your Stress and Deal with It Instead
Implementation week with live Q&A
How to stop avoiding and take back your life
Implementation week with live Q&A
Is Worry Ever Useful?
Implementation week with live Q&A
The way forward: create your custom fallback plan
Implementation week with live Q&A
The GAD Workshop Walkthrough
Over the course of 12 weeks, you'll have access to seven modules and 11 live Q&A sessions where you'll learn how to spend less time worrying, take control of your thinking style, and recover from anxiety.
Week 1
How to Stop the Cycle of Anxiety
In Week 1, you’ll get to the root of what’s keeping you in a persistent cycle of worrying so you can start using MCT techniques and see results right away.

You’ll learn what metacognitive therapy is, why it’s so effective, and how it works to help you take control of your anxiety.

You’ll learn:
How to get to the root cause of your anxiety
What role control has in your recovery and how to use it properly
What strategies you may be using to deal with your anxiety that are making thing worse
Week 2
Take Back Control Over Your Thoughts
In Week 2, you’ll discover how to take control of your thoughts using MCT practices and exercises so you can choose which thoughts to dwell on and which ones to let go of.

You’ll learn:
How to effortlessly let go of negative or intrusive thoughts that spark your anxiety
How to stop the worrying process in its tracks as soon as it starts
The exact steps to gain control of your worrying so you never feel bombarded with invasive thoughts or unable to relax
Week 3
Use Your Attention Intentionally
In Week 3, you’ll learn how to counteract anxiety with one of the most powerful tools you have—your attention.

You’ll learn:
Why you shouldn’t try to control your anxiety triggers and what to do instead
How your brain reacts to what you spend time focusing on and how to take control of it
To rediscover control over your focus and attention using the research-backed Attention Training Audio Files
Week 5
How to Stop Worrying About Your Stress and Deal with It Instead
Stress is a natural part of life, and often a part of meaningful opportunities and activities. The trouble is when you worry about stress, it affects your happiness and life.

In Week 5, you’ll learn how to deal with stress and symptoms of stress in a productive way. (And without spending hours on yoga or breathwork practices.)

You’ll learn:
How to use stress to your advantage
The answer to everyone’s favorite question: Is worrying detrimental to your health?
The relationship between stress and worry and what you can do about it
Week 7
How to stop avoiding and take back your life
In Week 7, you’ll learn how to avoid less and start doing all the things that you want to do, but have been avoiding because of anxiety.  

You’ll learn:
How to to do exposure in a way that actually works
How you might have been self-sabotaging and made some situations more difficult for yourself than they have to be
Using you attention and goals to your advantage so that exposure becomes less scary
Week 9
Is Worry Ever Useful?
In Week 9, you’ll learn the truth about how you can be prepared, safe, productive, and solve problems in ways that don’t require worrying.

You’ll learn:
What to do and what not to do to deal with anxiety and depression
What myths you might still be believing about worry and how to dispel them
How to feel prepared and in control without letting worry run the show
Week 11
The way forward: Create a fallback plan
Set-backs are a natural part of the recovery process, but they don’t have to derail all your hard work. In Week 9 you’ll create a plan to help you keep on track with your progress, and get back on track if your anxiety flares up unexpectedly.

Be prepared for future triggers and stressors
Determine which simple actions you can take to regain control of your worries
Create a customized Fallback Plan so you have a plan in place for when you notice old patterns cropping up
Check-Ins and Q&As
You'll have access to follow-up care from the course leader throughout the course period.

Every week between modules you get the opportunity to join a 60-minute live session where you can ask questions. You can ask questions in the chat, or in advance if you don't have the opportunity to be there live.

You can also contact your workshop leader through encrypted messages while you work on implementing what you have learned in the workshop.

You get access to the modules and recordings from the live sessions for a whole year, so you can go back and review again if there is something you want to repeat, refresh or practice more.

Dozens of our course participants have found freedom from anxiety

Cathy, 37
"I am fascinated that we in the group had such different "problems" and yet I got help. Initially, I thought that a separate phobia group would be a good idea, but it turned out well.
I haven't had help before and finally it worked"
Helen, 34
“I have praised the workshop to everyone I know who struggles with anxiety. It is low threshold, takes little time, based on research and extremely effective.”
Anne Kristin, 26
“I've come a lot further in these weeks than I ever thought I could. Now I just have to follow the plan. It feels like a very good support to have.”
Martin, 47
“If you are wondering about joining, I would say: do it! I got at least as much (if not more) out of the workshop as I did when I went to a psychologist alone for a short period of time for the same problem."

The GAD Workshop sets you up for success

Weekly Workshop Recordings

Recordings are available for a full year so you can catch up if you can’t make it live

Support between Meetings

Message with the leading MCT psychologists to get personalized support between live weekly meetings

Symptom Form

Keep track of your symptoms, challenges, and Improvements so your experience can be personalized when needed

Downloadable PDFs

Easy downloadable PDFs for each workshop so you can easily access workshop lessons anytime, anywhere

Actionable Weekly Homework

Individualized homework to help you implement the MCT practices into your life so you can see real results

Additional Audio-Based Training

Get exclusive access to a proven audio training to help you regain and rediscover control of your thoughts and attention
Hi! I'm Sunniva-
Trained psychologist with a level 2 certification from the MCT Institute, and founder of Metacognitive Therapy Oslo, the largest metacognitive psychology clinic in Norway. 

Together with my colleagues I'll help you find freedom from generalized anxiety and spend less time worrying. Because with our step-by-step framework, customized tools, and leading approaches to treatment, you don’t have to feel trapped by your anxiety. 

Since metacognitive therapy education first became available (not even a decade ago!) We’ve been studying and delivering MCT therapy to a vast number of patients.

I can’t wait to meet you in the workshop and help you take control of your worrying and recover from anxiety.

How the GAD Workshop is different from
other forms of therapies

Other forms of therapy

  • Focus on your thoughts and feelings
  • Use approaches centered on processing your past, talking about your problems, and delving into the content of your worries
  • Typically require 1-hour sessions that occur bi-weekly in a brick-and-mortar office
  • Often requires you to revisit specific scenarios or traumas to heal them
  • Often led by trained professionals
  • Don’t provide intermittent support between therapy visits
  • May suggest frameworks or vague steps to see results
  • Often take years of weekly sessions and often yields a low success rate

The GAD Workshop method

  • Helps you focus less on your thoughts and feelings and more on living your life without worry
  • Focuses on helping you take control of the worrying process and other cognitive processes that are keeping your anxiety going
  • Meets for 2-hour sessions weekly online so you can attend anonymously from the comfort of your home
  • Teaches you how to take control over your attention so you can focus less on your triggers
  • Developed and led by the leading experts on Anxiety
  • Includes encrypted messaging with trained professionals between workshops
  • Gives step-by-step direction and actionable homework exercises that are proven to reduce worrying and dramatically reduce anxiety
  • Takes just 6-7 double sessions to yield 80-90% success rate in treating anxiety

It’s time to stop letting anxiety keep you from living

A life where you have control over your worrying is possible

The GAD Workshop takes place a limited number of times. Seats are awarded on a first come, first serve basis.
Be first to know when enrollment is open!
5 monthly installments

How the GAD Workshop is different from other forms of therapies

  • Other forms of therapies focus on your thoughts and feelings
  • The GAD Workshop helps you focus less on your thoughts and feelings and more on living your life without worry
  • Use approaches centered on processing your past, talking about your problems, and delving into the content of your worries
  • Focuses on helping you take control of the worrying process and other cognitive processes that are keeping your anxiety going
  • Typically require 1-hour sessions that occur bi-weekly in a brick-and-mortar office
  • Meets for 2-hour sessions weekly online so you can attend anonymously from the comfort of your home
  • Often requires you to revisit specific scenarios or traumas to heal them
  • Teaches you how to take control over your attention so you can focus less on your triggers
  • Often led by trained professionals
  • Developed and led by leading MCT experts
  • Don’t provide intermittent support between therapy visits
  • Includes encrypted messaging with trained professionals between workshops
  • May suggest frameworks or vague steps to see results
  • Gives step-by-step direction and actionable homework exercises that are proven to reduce worrying and dramatically reduce anxiety
  • Often take years of weekly sessions and yields a 50% success rate
  • Takes just 6-7 double sessions to yield 80-90% success rate in treating GAD

What former GAD Workshop participants are saying

Oliver, 38
“Do it! After 10 years of anxiety and various treatments, I feel that I have found the right treatment for me.”
Erin, 55
“I feel so much better. I'm much less anxious and I feel like life has become so much better. Things obviously go up and down, but now I see that I have control over my worrying.”
Charlotte, 27
“This is an investment in your own life. You are anonymous and the course leader gives good help to all participants without them knowing who you are. Impressive.”
Henry, 44
“I dare to challenge myself much more now, since I don’t dwell on my thoughts. They come and go.”

Join dozens of others who have recovered

Spend less time worrying and more time doing what you love

*Limited seats available
1-time payment

USD 997

4 monthly installments

USD 249 /month

You’re protected by our Money-Back Guarantee

We know that taking control of anxiety is hard, especially if you’ve tried other treatments that haven’t worked in the past.

We’re so confident in the approaches, lessons, and action steps in the GAD Workshop that we’re offering students a full 14-day Money-Back Guarantee.

If you join us and don’t feel the workshop is the right fit, simply reach out to us within 14 days and we’ll refund your purchase in full.

Wondering if the GAD Workshop is the perfect fit for you?

The GAD Workshop is
perfect for you if:

  • You can’t control your anxiety, worrying, or negative thoughts
  • You get nervous about things other people aren’t bothered by
  • You’re rarely able to relax
  • You’ve tried yoga, meditation, and therapy but still struggle with anxiety
  • You have trouble sleeping because of stressful or overwhelming thoughts
  • You find yourself catastrophizing when you know it’s irrational

The GAD Workshop is not a good fit for you if:

  • You suffer from Severe Depression
  • You’re having strong thoughts of suicide or doing harm to yourself or others.
  • You’re currently are, or have recently have been, experiencing Psychosis
  • You have been diagnosed with or suffer from a Personality Disorder
  • *If you are struggling with OCD as the main diagnosis you can benefit from the workshop but additional counseling may be needed.

The GAD Workshop participants recover

Former participant

“I’ve learned that I don't have to constantly deal with thoughts and worries, and that I don't need to dig up all the old memories and things that have happened to me since childhood. I can decide if I want to dwell on my thoughts or not.”

Former participant

"I allow myself to have some bad days occasionally, but I’m nicer to myself and I accept that it is completely normal to feel uncomfortable in some situations. I’ve become so much better at setting boundaries for myself and prioritizing myself and my health.”

Former participant

“I feel that I am "empowered" and that it is possible to live life without being limited by negative feelings. Of course, sometimes I can still feel stressed or worried, but as long as I remember what I learned in the workshop, it usually ends well.”

Former participant

“I have greater inner peace now. I’m more present in everyday life and social settings and I’m not distracted with inward-focused thoughts anymore. I have more security in how I can cope with anxiety.

Frequently Asked Questions

Feel free to reach out via hello@gad-specialists.com if your question is not answered below.
When does the workshop start?
The next GAD Workshop will start on Thursday, 26th of September. Check the schedule higher up on this page to see the dates and times adjusted to your timezone. The workshop leaders will be available between sessions via private messaging. Typically, your messages will be responded to within 24-48 hours during normal business hours.
I'm not sure I can make it live. Can I complete the weekly sessions in the evening?
Yes! You’ll have access to weekly workshop recordings for a full year, so you can always dive back into the lesson and complete the week’s homework. You can also submit questions in advance, or message a psychologist privately after the workshop so you’re never left feeling lost or stuck. ‍ *To be clear, we do recommend you attend live to get the most out of the workshop sessions and to see the best results.
Do I need an anxiety diagnosis to participate?
You do not have to have a diagnosis or mental disorder to participate. The workshop is also suitable for those who struggle with worry, anxiety, and restlessness, but who have no diagnosis.
What if I have have multiple diagnoses?
That’s perfectly okay, and quite common! The GAD Workshop can help significantly with worrying, overthinking, and feeling anxious even if you are diagnosed with other types of anxieties, depression, bipolar disorder, or ADHD. ‍ If you are diagnosed with bipolar disorder type 1, we recommend one-on-one therapy rather than a workshop setting.
Can I remain anonymous?
Your privacy is our top priority. Therefore we don't ask for more information than is necessary. When signing up you’ll be asked to disclose to us your first name, and email address. ‍ There will also be an opportunity to provide additional information on your symptom questionnaire, though you may opt-out of offering more info. ‍ You can certainly join the live workshops anonymously, where participants can’t see each other during workshops or get information about each other.
Can I ask questions during the weekly sessions?
Of course! During the live workshops, you are welcome to ask questions through chat (or send us messages to answer live before the workshop begins!) ‍ The psychologist leading the workshop can see your messages, but other participants can’t. If the psychologist brings your question to the group, it will be 100% anonymous.
Do I need any equipment to join?
Nope! All you need is a web-connected computer, tablet or smartphone to join our virtual workshops. We also recommend you find a comfortable place to sit, where you can’t be disturbed or overheard.
What if I don’t know if I have anxiety or not?
You don't need to have diagnosed anxiety to benefit from the workshop. In fact, you do not have to have a mental illness at all. ‍ If you are struggling with uncontrollable worry and anxiety, this workshop will train you to take control of your thoughts and invite more peace and calm into your days.
I have tried different types of therapy without getting better, will this workshop be able to help me?
There are many indications that metacognitive therapy is the most effective form of therapy we have for worry and anxiety. The method differs from both cognitive and traditional therapy in several ways. If you are worried, ruminating, or focusing a lot on dangers, this method is really worth a try. Remember that you can join the first gathering and see if it is something for you. If you see that the workshop is not for you, you can sign off with some new perspectives in your luggage. Whatever you choose next, we wish you the best of luck.
Do you take health insurance?
We currently do not accept forms of insurance. If you wish to join the workshop and price is a prohibitive factor, please contact us at support@gad-specialists.com
What if I’m on medication for anxiety? Can I still join?
Of course! You’re welcome to join the workshop if you’re currently on medication for anxiety. ‍ Note that when making significant changes to your medication just before or during The GAD Workshop, it becomes difficult to know what’s causing positive or negative changes in your symptoms. Therefore if you are planning on making significant changes to your dosage we ask you to discuss the situation with the person who prescribed the medication to take this into consideration. The advice from the person who prescribed the medication is always leading.
What if I have panic attacks? Will this workshop help me manage those?
Metacogntive therapy is highly effective in treating worry-induced anxiety attacks. The GAD Workshop is set up to target all types of anxiety, and offers useful tools and practical techniques that can be extremely helpful in dealing with panic attacks.
I’m ready to join! What happens when I sign up?
As soon as you join us, you’ll receive an email confirming your registration. ‍ Two days before the workshop starts, you’ll get an email with more information about how you can get access to your unique link to join us weekly. ‍ If at any point you need help, send us an email at support@gad-specialists.com and we’ll get you sorted right away!

You CAN take control of your anxiety & we’re here to help

Join the GAD Workshop and learn how to recover from generalized anxiety in just 12 weeks

*Seats are limited—save your spot today!
one-time payment

USD 997

4 monthly installments

USD 249 /month

Sign up will open again some time in 2024
Subscribe to the waitlist and be the first to know when the sign up opens. Seats are limited!
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